1ounce is a very simplified App and lets users to approach in a completely new way to deal with gold and silver.Its your time to CHANGE THE WAY YOU BUY GOLD
Why 1ounce?
*With 1ounce users can Buy Gold in any fraction of Rupees/Weight and store it Digitally.
*Sell at any time and receive amount in your Bank.
*Use your Digital Gold/Silver for exchange of ornaments at our affiliated store.
*Real-Time Pricing and Purity Guaranteed
*No fake Discounts but Best rates possibly.
*Store your Gold/Silver online on a fully secure server.
*Multiple payment options. You can pay through credit card, debit card or with online banking.
*100% Insured physical delivery of Gold
Not only this.We are working on more surprising,Innovative Features and they are coming soon.